Foaled  12/16/45 - Stallion
Bay, white with bay spots over loin and hips
Sire:  Ferras (AHC #299)  Dam:  Painters Marvel (F-47)
Bred by Claude J Thompson, Moro, Oregon
Some Get of Red Eagle
Foaled  4/28/53 - Stallion
Bay, white with bay spots over loin and hips, small star
Sire:  Red Eagle (F-209)  Dam:  Easter (F-33)
Bred by Claude J Thompson, Pomona, CA
Pictured with Claude Thompson
Foaled  5/30/52 - Stallion
Dark blue roan, white with black spots over loin and hips
Sire:  Red Eagle (F-209)  Dam:  Maize (F-1643)
Bred by Mrs. George M. Forry, Goldendale, WA
1958 Champion Cutting Horse and
winner of Western Stock Horse Trophy
Foaled  5/11/51 - Stallion
Black, white with black spots over loin and hips
Sire:  Red Eagle (F-209)  Dam:  Dutchess (F-1110)
Bred by  Mr. & Mrs. Rhoma H Cox, Riverside, CA
National Grand Champion and
winner of original "Bear Step Katouche"
BLUE ADMIRAL - #28,456
Foaled  4/21/62 - Stallion
Blue roan, white with black spots over loin and hips
socks both hind, star on forehead
Sire:  Red Eagle's Peacock (F-1476)  Dam:  Little Dutchess (F-1500)
Owned by  Frank M Gerhardt, Riverside, CA
LUNAR PEACOCK - #212,855
Foaled  3/17/74 - Stallion
Brown, white with brown spots over loin & hips
star, pstna both high
Sire:  Red Eagle's Joker (#88,901)  Dam:  KR Moonglo (T-29,296)
Owned by  Keating Ranch, Molt, MT
RED EAGLE'S GUILD - #101,679
(In stud books shows as Red Eagle's Guild of Glory)
Foaled  6/5/68 - Stallion
Brown, white with brown spots over loin/hips, angle l hind
Sire:  Red Eagle's Guild of 1001 (F-4,902)  Dam:  Dolly (B)
Owned by  Daniel M Laughlin, Riverside, CA
RED EAGLE'S SPUR OF 1001 - T-4,909
Foaled  3/30/59 - Stallion
Red roan, white spots over loin and hips,
star in forehead and white snip on nose, sock on right hind
Sire:  Red Eagle (F-209)  Dam:  Maybelle of the 1001 (T-1356)
Bred by  Thomas L Clay, Riverside, CA